11/3/2024 Worship Service & Sermon: A Picture for Perseverance - Revelation 1:9-20

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11/3/2024 Worship Service & Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA

Scripture: Revelation 1:9-20
Title: A Picture For Perseverance
Worship Leader: John Sletta
Speaker: David Royes


1. An Audible Call

2. An Overwhelming Scene
A. His presence is real
B. His mediation is glorious
C. His wisdom is infinite
D. His perception is perfect
E. His conquest is ongoing

3. A Tangible Comfort
A. John's response
B. Jesus' reassurance

#revelation #Jesus #perseverance

10/13/24 Worship Service & Sermon: Spiritual Flourishing - Titus 1:1-11

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10/13/2024 Worship Service & Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA

Worship Leader: Steve Boyer
Sermon: Dave Royes
Scripture: Titus 1:1-11
Title: Spiritual Flourishing

Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the sake of the faith of God's elect and their knowledge of the truth, which accords with godliness, in hope of eternal life, which God, who lever lies, promised before the ages began, and at the proper time manifested in his word through the preaching with which I have been entrusted by the command of God our savior;

To Titus, my true child in a common faith. Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our savior.

This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you--if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination. For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. For there are many who are insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party. They must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.


1. Elders are a Source of Discipleship

2. Elders are a Display of the Spirit
A. Character
B. Conviction
C. Competency

3. Elders are for Soundness of Doctrine

#paul #titus #elders

9/15/24 Worship Service & Sermon: The Heights of His Holiness - Leviticus 14:33-56

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9/15/2024 Worship Service & Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA

Worship Leader: Tyler Estes
Sermon: David Royes
Scripture: Leviticus 14:33-56
Title: The Heights of His Holiness


1. The Holiness of God in His Sovereignty
A. God's promises are sure
B. God's providence is real

2. The Holiness of God in His Separation
A. Uncleanness is contagious
B. Uncleanness is deep-seated
C. Uncleanness is persistent
D. Uncleanness renders something fit for destruction

3. The Holiness of God in His Son
A. Provision for the cleansing of uncleanness
B. A High Priest who is also a carpenter

4. Applications
A. Do not despair over the shame you feel today
B. There is great purpose in seemingly insignificant obedience to God

#holiness #uncleanness #God

2/18/2024 Worship Service & Sermon - True Spirituality and Spiritual Fruit - Mark 11:11-25

2/18/2024 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA.

Worship Leader: Matt Lambert
Speaker: David Royes
Scripture: Mark 11:11-25
Title: True Spirituality and Spiritual Fruit


1. A Parable of empty religion
A. A lens for what Jesus is about to do
B. How false religion works

2. An explanation of authentic spirituality
A. Genuine belief in God's power
B. Dependence on God in prayer
C. The forgiveness of your Father in Heaven

3. Hope for true change
A. Christ was sacrificed for our sins

#Mark #spiritualfruit

7/16/2023 Worship Service and Sermon: Focused Eyes for Spiritual Endurance - Philippians 3:16-4:1

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7/16/2023 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA.

Worship Leader: Matt Lambert
Speaker: David Royes
Scripture: Philippians 3:16-4:1
Title: Focused Eyes for Spiritual Endurance

Only let us hold true to what we have attained. Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. For many, of whom I have often told you, and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved.


1. Eyes on true faith in true believers

2. Eyes weeping for the world around us
A. Short-lived pleasure
B. Suppressed conscience
C. Secular mentality

3. Eyes up toward Heaven

5/28/2023 Worship Service & Sermon: Correct Confidence - Philippians 3:1-11

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5/28/2023 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA.

Worship Leader: Steve Boyer
Speaker: David Royes
Scripture: Philippians 3:1-11
Title: Correct Confidence


1. A False Teaching
A. The danger of putting confidence in the flesh

2. A Powerful Testimony
A. Earthly gain as rubbish
B. Self-abandonment as the beginning of righteousness
C. Knowing Jesus as resurrection

3. A Simple Safeguard

7/31/2022 Worship Service and Sermon: Being Mindful of the Wonder of the Gospel - Colossians 1:13-14

Join us for worship!

7/31/2022 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA.

Worship Leader: Andrew Hageman
Speaker: David Royes
Title: Being Mindful of the Wonder of the Gospel
Scripture: Colossians 1:13-14

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.


1. The Terror of Being Lost
a. Spiritual enslavement is real.

2. The Centrality of Jesus Himself
a. Joy in God's Son
b. Fruit for God's Son
c. Union with God's Son

3. The often-overlooked means

7/10/2022 Worship Service and Sermon: True Blessing: Fear God - Psalm 2

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7/10/2022 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA.

Worship Leader: Matt Carter
Speaker: Dave Royes
Title: True Blessing: Fear God
Scripture: Psalm 2


1. The World Speaks (vs. 1-3)

2. God Speaks (vs. 4-6)
a. His reign is sovereign
b. His wrath is real

3. The Son Speaks (vs. 7-9)
a. The Christ has come

4. The Spirit Speaks (vs. 10-12)

#Psalms #AwesomeGod #JesusisKing

2/13/2022 Worship Service and Sermon: Saved… for his Glory - Exodus 15:22-27

Join us for worship!

2/13/2022 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA.

Worship Leader: Matt Lambert
Speaker: David Royes
Title: Saved… for his Glory
Scripture: Exodus 15:22-27

The Danger of Grumbling amidst Grace

The Reality of Testing alongside triumph

The Hope of Balm after bitterness

#Moses #Grumbling #Test

1/16/2022 Worship Service and Sermon: Amazing Grace or accustomed grace? - Jonah 4

Join us for worship!

01/16/2022 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA.

Worship Leader: Dave Stoltzfus
Speaker: David Royes
Title: Amazing Grace or accustomed grace?
Scripture: Jonah 4

“We sing about ‘amazing grace’ and speak of ‘amazing grace’, but far too often it [grace] has ceased to amaze us. Sadly, we might more truthfully sing of ‘accustomed grace.’ We have lost the joy and energy that are experienced when grace seems truly amazing.” ~ Sinclair Ferguson

Literary Structure of Jonah:

Jonah 1: Jonah commissioned & disobedience → Jonah 3: Jonah recommissioned & obedience
Jonah 1b: Jonah & pagan sailors → Jonah 3: Jonah and pagan Ninevites.
Jonah 2: Jonah’s grateful prayer → Jonah 4a: Jonah’s angry prayer.
Jonah 4b: GOD Schools Jonah in Compassion. (*1)

1. Accustomed Grace: Jonah’s Angry Prayer
2. Amazing Grace: God’s Gracious Pursuit

a. His appointing is perfect
b. His word is persistent
c. His compassion is plentiful

3. Extending Grace: The Author’s hanging question

(*1) Adapted from David Dorsey, Literary Structure of the Old Testament (Baker Books, 2004).