Young Adult Ministry- Vine and Branches
Sundays 9 am
Studies from Romans
Location: Brick Lane Loft
“I am the Vine,
you are the branches…”
John 15:5
Every young adult is invited to join the V&B “small group” community as we grow together in Christ!
\12/15- Caroling
12/18- Caroling
12/22- V&B at Evening Prayer
Wednesdays 6:30 pm
Making Faith Magnetic
by Daniel Strange
Location: Various Member Homes
Teacher: TJ Waldy
A study in anthropology, evangelism, and apologetics that helps us understand our culture better so that we can redirect people’s existential questioning and searching to Christ and the fulfilled life offered in Him!
Want V&B text updates? text “@blccvb” to “81010” or contact TJ Waldy @
Vine and Branches on Facebook and Instagram pages
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