Brick Lane Community Church

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10/22/2023 Worship Service and Sermon: Does God Really Expect Me to Suffer? - various passages

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10/23/2023 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA.

The audience mics are not working this week. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Scripture: Various passages
Title: Does God Really Expect Me to Suffer?
Worship Leader: Matt Carter
Speaker: Steve Estes


1. Suffering was introduced to the world by the fall of man
A. There was no suffering before Adam and Eve sinned
B. After the fall, Earth became a hostile place
C. God promised the restoration of paradise

2. The present age and the age to come
A. How are they described?
B. When will the age to come occur?
i. already, but not yet

3. Why does God heal some, but not others?
A. The age to come has begun, but has not been consummated yet
B. Jesus healed to show what the Kingdom of God was like, but never intended to heal every disease of every believer

4. Conclusion
A. Did Jesus die so believers could live the good life on this earth?
B. Believers, past and present, have tasted the powers of the age to come

#suffering #agetocome